Halo-hAlO everybody
First of all i want to wish HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to every chinese in this whole wild world :)
jajajajaja hye guys during this holiday i think my life is not too cool (x best) but better la dr ddk kat Sri Iskandar a place of plastic jajaja...until hari keramat ni tiba pada 2/2/11~wednesday i hang out bersama rakan2 at kL woooOOO damn happening with our noisy voices, gossip like hell, shopping sampai kering, menapak sampai kematu kaki hahaha it happen so fast x puas rasenye nak hang out ngan dorg lagi :'( but alhamdulillah la rase tersgt2 relief after met them, all the burden has been fly away from my shoulder eh not all a bit la shuh shuh burden...
At the first place i thought it will be fatin, jue, aliza, faiz, n me will be hang out together gather but faiz cannot make it ok la apologize accepted cuz of some reason..then yg tinggal hanyalah fatin, jue, aliza, n i that what i thought la tp actually ia bertambah2...cmne leh bertambah2 ok nak cite la ni wut wut..
ok mule2 sampai je i kat kL pkul 11 i da halo2 aliza sbb die yg 1st sampai kat sg.wang n then br la i ngan jue sampai gedik pompuan 2 br sejam tgu da nk kecoh actually x sampai sejam pon...
time 2 lapa sgt tgu fatin x sampai2 pastu kitorg mkn la dlu kat mcD yg nearest..yummy suddenly friend of jue sampai join skali so dpt la kwn SABAHAN br huhu his name is jeff..hye jeff..
haaa that is jeff a friend of jue...fatin's admire him so much lalala kantoi!!! mkn5 n then penoh la pewrot kitorg yg kecil ni. Da kyg tp fatin still x sampai2 pastu kitorg pon g la pusing2 sg.wang 2 sambil meng kloroxkn mate..beberapa lgkh dr McD fatin pon kol bgtau die da sampai huh finally...
kami consider fatin da mkn sbb die lambat haha kami pon jln2 sambil bergosip pot pet pot pet gosipnye baJet rahsia tp 1 sg.wang leh dgr gosipan ktorg haha ADE AKU KESAH!!
mse gosip 2 rse release sgt2 pergh tenang beb lepas 2 suddenly my left shoulder felt like so heavy y r??
ok next destination is Pavilion a place where i always invest my money without any return (konon)....
jln2 di pavi boring la xde barang yg menarik hahaha (actually xde duit phm2 je la student)..ehem korg mst da boring dgr my cite so korg enjoy la dgn pic kitorg menapak sini sana ye...
work it out bebeh!!
dr kiri jue, fatin, n aliza..
just snap mse nk lintas jln
hahahaha da la 2...eh2 tp dr pavi n otw we all nk ke sg.wang blk utk melakukan sole therapy tibe2 kami terserempak dgn our senior bersama awek beliau hamboi2 kelas ko nnt ak upload pic ko
asrul berkemeja petak amat bergaya disebelah awek beliau huhu...
ha!!!!!!!! i2 die brother asrul bersama gurlnye (ap name die r) ah tye dlm kelas nnt r hahaha kelas ko asrul ko egt ko blh terlepas dr kitorg hahaha...
sbnrnye die x nmpk kitorg xtau r x nmpk or wat2 x nmpk maybe x nmpk kot sbb die x pki spek tp i n fatin dgn suare yg nyaring menjerit aassRRUULLLL!!!!!! nah amek ko!!meletop tingkap2 kat lot 10 2
hahaha pastu die pon perasan n terpakse cover malu dpn awek die n kami dgn gediknye memakse mereka utk bergambar dgn kami huhuhu pdn muke kau..
setelah puas bergambar dgn senior kami abg asrul kami pon meneruskan perjalanan kami ke sg.wang utk mmbuat sole therapy(shopping) huhuhu...
setelah berhabis beribu2 pound sterling kami didatangi dgn lg two more pretty women mira n izati..fatin's friend..
there they r...huhu actually i didn't notice that they were sibling but then fatin told us that they are sisters n everybody was surprise siap mintak ic lagi haha ble da tgk ic br la kitorg caye dorg ni adk beradik lol!!
ok nak dipendekkan cerita destinasi kami terakhir adalah Time Square utk mkn n then blk huhuh sbb masing2 kne blk awl emm whatever..
tgh2 decide nk mkn katne jue bgtau kwn die nk join lg...n i like 'what??lagi??' ok sape la plak kali ni kwn si jue ni ek...
nk tau sape??ok ini die pic mereka :-
nah!! hambek kau inilah dia barisan mak2 hayam kelas cuolss hahaha name2 mereka i kurg pasti nk tau tanye si jue...n skrg i pon confuse dengan jantina si jue sbb kwn2nye sume ala2 mgkn die pon same hahahaha jgn mara ya jue tp dorg sgt la ramah2 belake thanks u guys wat suasana lebih meriah <3
bile dah habis mkn sume kekenyangan n sume pon nk blk masing2 mengucapkan selamat tinggal..oh x lupa tq sgt2 kpd jeff sbb sudi mmbyr lebihan bil kami tq so much u r a great guy hehe..
emmm ok la that's all for this post as the conclusion i sgt2 puas hang out bersama mereka sbb dpt release tension, dpt byk stuff n dpt bju dinner huhuhu yg paling penting poket da kempis hahaha ok bye guys wait for my next post k..
love u all MUAH!!!